Installation and how it work

If you want to test and use TMajesty, you need to invite it in your Discord server. This is the very first step to do.


You need to have at least Administrator or Moderator role into the Discord server where you want to add TMajesty.

Inviting a bot in a Discord Server is very simple, just to click the Invite web Link ( Invite link of TMajesty ) and follow the instruction showed at video. Every Discord BOT has its specific Invite Link that define some parameters needed by Discord to configure it after a joining was done.

After it has joined, TMajesty basically starting to monitor your channels for human activity like posting messages, reactions, delete message, posting thread ans so on (event/interaction). Take in mind that TMajesty discard all BOT interactions (i.e.: TMajesty do not automatically translate other BOT messages, translate it only after a human request). So, basically just consider TMajesty like an ear in your Discord server, ready to respond and interact when a specific know interaction happens and discard all other event/interaction. This is possible thanks to its integration permissions, and basically (see important notes below) you don’t need to change anything in your Discord.


Please pay attention: If you need TMajesty to work in Private Channels (channels not visible to the @everyone role), you need to make some adjustments. In this case, just add the “Majesty Translator” role to these channels, so that TMajesty will have the right permission on them.


On the other side, to do its work well, TMajesty need to interact with translation engines. It don’t use any kind of internal/standalone translation engine because is well know how this kind of solutions leak in quality of translations. So stay away from Translation BOT that offer you free services, often they generate all bad quality translations. As you know, TMajesty use for its work 3 best-in-class translation engines. They are all pay for use services and offer us, an then to you, the best quality on the market.

Why quality and not free service?


Do you want people of different languages in your community to enjoy and understand each other, or do you want them to leave your community like a rocket? 😅

Trial phase and long term business model

TMajesty adopt a pay-for-use model based on translations chars, like all translation Engines that it use. So, THERE ISN’T any kind of monthly fee to the end user. When you invite TMajesty in your Discord community for the first time, you can benefit of a TRIAL package of about 8,000 translation chars for free.

Basically the charging will be done by source message length. For example:

"Hey dude, welcome onboard" -> "Ehi amico, benvenuto a bordo"

When TMajesty translate this phrase from english to italian it charge a total of 25 chars: the length of source message.


Emoji and other kind of tags like Discord mentions is not take in count in charging phase. Before translating a message TMajesty analyze and make an accurate parsing of it to avoid counting errors.

We are quite confident of this parsing that unlike others BOT, TMajesty always show you a real-time usage statistics in a friendly messages Panels browsable. Below some screenshot:
